Thursday, March 6, 2008

let's start at the very beginning....

So here am I. All alone at my desk with my computer.....

It's quite strange how very alone you can feel as a teacher. One minute you're at your desk, planning. And then you're up in front of 30 odd kids, getting them to do what ever you want.

And it can be quite a lonely place that. That place at the front of the room. Where the kids look at you and trust that you'll 'teach them'. The expectations of their parents in the back of their minds. The expectations of a community forming them. And a curriculum that should allow those desires to become a reality.

And so my blog is here. And through my blog perhaps I can feel a little less alone in the things that concern me. But also share the things that make me smile and realise that the classroom is a place where amazing things can happen. And do happen everyday.

And that is my aim. To chat about what's happening for me and my kids in the classroom. I'll ask some questions that can be rhetorical for some and answered by others. And share some of the things that made me feel a little less segregated from those two entities we call 'teaching' and 'learning'.


Jonathan said...
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Jonathan said...

Lets try that again....

Blog looks great Bonny!

I look forward to many e-arguments and discussions with you:-)